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#Scholarship Help Thanks to Oracle Genius Argorithm
- Dettagli
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- Categoria: News
- Visite: 339
Club di calcio Serie D in Italia cerca svincolati , Vitto Alloggio e contratto in soldi e bonus
Se intereressa seriamente contattaci +393895330996 lo staff scouting
- Dettagli
- Scritto da Amministratore
- Categoria: News
- Visite: 343
Good news ! in January 2023 we move #Soccer #Players from USA to Italy #if interested contact us
- Dettagli
- Scritto da Amministratore
- Categoria: News
- Visite: 413
Oracle Genius is a brilliant invention that measures the value of the soccer player from 1 to 1000. Once
the video of the match is analysed by the match analysts, the metric values (KPI) are inserted in the app to obtain the certified score. 32 indicators are used to evaluate performances,
technical, physical and attitudinal characteristics of the athlete. In this way, it is possible to know with
certainty, if a young soccer player has the features to play in professionalism, only relying on objective data.
(It is advisable to use the software from 14 to 18 years old).
- Dettagli
- Scritto da Amministratore
- Categoria: News
- Visite: 548